Same day delivery orders placed before 12pm AEST

Classic Bouquet


Image Reference:

Shown in size: Premium


Classic signature bouquet. An elegant & striking selection of seasonal blooms, created as a front facing or rounded style bouquet, presented in stylish wrap & finished with luscious ribbon.

For same day delivery, please place your order online by 12pm weekdays or by 10am Saturday.  Orders received online after these times will be automatically allocated to the next business day delivery. Alternatively, if you urgently need your flowers delivered on the same day call us directly and we will let you know if we are still able to do a same day delivery.  Please note that the delivery rate will differ as the early bird rate has passed.

Images provided are purely as a guide only, please be assured we will make every effort to create your arrangement as close as possible to the chosen image.  Due to seasonal availability & the colors available at time of ordering, arrangements may differ slightly.

If you have specific requirements regarding flower selection, please let us know in the side notes area or contact us directly at the store (03) 9455 2116




Ivy & Twig delivers across Melbourne including the CBD and Hospitals. Deliveries are available Monday to Saturday, excluding all Public Holidays. Orders placed before 11am will receive same day delivery service.