Same day delivery orders placed before 12pm AEST

Native Tall Stem Bouquet


Image Reference:

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Contemporary & chic, our native style bouquet. An elegant & striking selection of native blooms, created as a front facing style bouquet, presented in stylish wrap & finished with luscious ribbon. 

IVY & TWIG FLOWERS uses only the freshest seasonal selections.

Images are provided purely as a guide & every effort is made to ensure it is as close to possible to the image pictured. Due to seasonal availability, there are times however when this is impossible.

If you have specific requirements regarding flower selection, please contact us.

Designed with long lasting, seasonal flowers and foliage, each arrangement is unique and sure to impress.



Ivy & Twig delivers across Melbourne including the CBD and Hospitals. Deliveries are available Monday to Saturday, excluding all Public Holidays. Orders placed before 11am will receive same day delivery service.